About WORK

Committee Members

  • Chair – Ian Heffernan, Rushbrook
  • Vice-Chair – Mick Griffin, Osprey
  • Treasurer – Declan Smith, Rushbrook
  • Secretary – Fionnuala Wallace, Kennington
  • Ann Fleming, Rushbrook
  • Deirdre McGloughlin, Willington
  • J.C. Ryan, Osprey
  • Detta Seery, Wilderwood
  • John Stewart, Kennington
  • Joe Scanlon, Kennington

The Aims of the Association are:

  • To protect, maintain and improve conditions and amenities in the area for the benefit of Ordinary Members and their families.
  • To encourage community and social interaction for the benefit of Ordinary Members and their families.
  • To improve communication between neighbours.

The Association shall be non-party-political and non-sectarian.

Membership is open to all householders in the designated area which includes the following estates:

  • Willington
  • Wilderwood
  • Osprey
  • Rushbrook
  • Kennington

Any resident, having paid their annual subscription, is deemed to be an Ordinary Member of the Association, subject to a limit of one Ordinary Member per household.

The annual subscription shall be €20 per household, or such sum as shall be fixed from time to time at a General Meeting of the WORK Committee.